+49 681 / 960 21 46-0

Tile Spacers

Our classic spacer FG is used for an exact and quick laying of concrete paving slabs. It guarantees a homogeneous appearance of the joints. Moreover it ensures the drainage of the surface and avoids the shift of the paving slabs in the bracing.

Colour: Black or transparent

Width of joints: 3 mm, 5 mm or 10 mm

Our innovative FG UFO spacer is suitable for laying modern fine ceramic tiles or concrete paving slabs. The washer of the spacer prevents the spacer from sinking into the gritting material.

Colour: Black or grey

Width of joints: 3 mm or 5 mm

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We are member of

BuGG - Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V.

FLL - Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e.V.

Fachvereinigung Betriebs- und Regenwassernutzung e.V.

BuGG - Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V.


Partner des LICHT design Shops