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Fall Protection System

Today, industrial and institutional buildings as well as office blocks are constructed almost exclusively with flat roofs. Only in few cases, these roofs have guardrails. The professionals working on these roofs therefore need a safety system that prevents them from falling down.

SafetyPro™ greenSec is a restraint and fall protection system for green roofs or gravel roofs with a roof pitch up to 5°* Compared to other systems SafetyPro™ greenSec is only secured by a ballast layer. No fixed connection is made to the structure. This penetration-free and thermal bridge-free solution thus offers clear advantages over other fall protection devices. As SafetyPro™ greenSec hat not to be fixed to the structure, it can also be installed anytime at a later date.

SafetyPro™ greenSec is ballasted with 80 kg/m²* load material. The type and the height of the ballast layer can be very different. The load can be carried out with substrate, gravel or with flagging.

SafetyPro™ greenSec is tested according to the latest EU standard (EN 795:2012 and CEN/TS 16415:2013). All system components are made of high-quality corrosion-free materials. The number of the components is highly reduced. There is only one type of post that can be used for all positions. No additional corner elements are necessary. The system can thus be set up simply and uncomplicated.

The SafetyPro™ greenSec restraint and fall protection system can be installed as anchor device as well as horizontal lifeline

*only in Germany (in all other european countries up to a roof pitch of 7° and with 75 kg/m² load)

The Planing

The installation plan for the fall protection system is drawn up by specialist planners. The individual building characteristics and local conditions are taken into account. The system is also applicable in regions with high probability of snowfall and high snow depth.

Send us the check list and the drawing of your roof-site with dimensions by e-mail . We will plan your fall protection system!

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BuGG - Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V.

FLL - Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e.V.

Fachvereinigung Betriebs- und Regenwassernutzung e.V.

BuGG - Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V.


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