+49 681 / 960 21 46-0

Rhizome Barrier

Our 2 mm rhizome barrier made of HDPE is used for the containment of plants that build aggressive roots or rhizoms. It is also used for root protection along paths and routes as well for protection of underground lines, cables and sewers.  

Our rhizome barrier is resistant to all aqueous solutions of salts, acids and alkalis naturally occuring in the soil. It can be applicated in natural soil 2 < pH < 12. The HDPE rhizome barrier is resistant to microorganisms and rodents and has a high thermo-oxidative durability.

Colour: Black

Dimensions: Rolls of 0.70 m or 1 m rolls width our pre-cut to length on request

Accessories: Aluminium press-closure

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BuGG - Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V.


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